Katsushiro’s Initiatives

Katsushiro in Numbers

  • Total No.of Employees

    330 people

  • Age Groups




  • First-Year Paid Leave Days

    10 days

  • Average Paid Leave Taken

    13 days

  • Average Tenure

    20 years

  • Parental Leave Uptake


  • Parental Leave Return


  • Childcare Part-Time Work

    Up to 3rd Grade

  • Annual Holidays

    121 days

  • New Employee Benefits

    100¥ Cafeteria

  • 3-year Attrition Rate


  • International Locations

    12 factories

Our Commitment to Welfare

Caring for Each Individual as “Everyone’s Well-being”

At Katsushiro Matex, since everyone works in the same place, we can understand each individual’s concerns. We have various initiatives to help you achieve a fulfilling balance between life and work while working energetically.

  • Life Support
  • Entertainment
  • Engagement
  • Health

Life Support

Personalized Best Support

There are various life events such as marriage, childcare, and caregiving for each employee. At Katsushiro Matex, we have various life support systems in place, including congratulatory bonuses, childcare short-time work until your child turns 10, caregiving leave system, long-term service awards, and recreation facilities. This ensures a harmonious balance between life and work!


Seeing Employees’ True Selves

We organize circle activities with like-minded colleagues (currently, there are 5 active circles), BBQs, bowling, and employee trips, among other recreational activities. These are managed by the company. You can discover aspects of your colleagues that you wouldn’t typically see in the workplace. It’s an opportunity to have various conversations with colleagues you may not interact with regularly. Participation is optional, but many employees enjoy it.


Bringing Various Proposals to the Company

With a focus on quality improvement and increased productivity, we conduct circle activities, primarily led by younger employees, where they present improvement proposals to the company. This includes events like the “QC Circle Presentation” focusing on quality improvement and the “Zero Accident Circle Presentation” focusing on factory safety and SDGs. It’s a competition between circles, and the top-performing circles receive monetary rewards, motivating everyone to participate enthusiastically.


Healthy Body, a Key to Work

Our company has its own sports gym and futsal court, so employees who enjoy sports regularly use these facilities. In addition, volunteers from our company participate in local events such as the Hachiman Marathon. Through sports, you can engage in various conversations, and your body will stay strong. If you love sports, don’t hesitate to join!

Challenging the World.
With the Best Technology and People.
Let's redefine "excellence" with your hands.